Friday, July 17, 2009

9 month visit

Well, the dreaded day of the Dr.'s visit arrived. Anna weighed in at 13 lbs and 3.5 oz. (.09 percentile) and is 25 .5" tall (3.13 percentile). The Dr. didn't freak out as much as I thought he would but he did do an iron test and she was fine. So she has one month to bulk up and we are supposed to go in and have her weighed. This is the only time in her life she will be told to eat lots and gain weight. She is so much fun. She talks quite a lot and is moving in her own way (sliding on her bum). She can get to her hands and knees to crawl but then panics because she doesn't know what to do. Both Matthew and I have shown her how to work the arms and legs but it hasn't caught on yet. I am ok with that. It keeps her semi-stationary.


Katie said...

She super cute!
Luke's finally starting to bulk up (now at 1.8%tile)but it takes a lot to get them to gain weight :P I feel like all i do is feed the kid! Good Luck!

Brenda H said...

She is absolutely adorable!!