Saturday, June 5, 2010

Latest Stories

We spent the last week of May in Portland with Matthew's parents. We helped them do somethings around the house and had a good visit. We drove both ways which made for intersting times but we (Anna specifically) survived it. As per usual it rained all but one day that we were there. We took some time during a break in rain to go down to feed some ducks and geese. Anna thought it was fun until one of the geese came towards her (Anna had the bread in her hand) hissing. She did okay as long as they just ate from a distance.

Today Anna and I went out to garage sales. We got some really good deals and Anna is a great shopper. The best purchase of the day though was a stroller for her doll - a whopping $0.25! She had a great time pushing the stroller up and down the driveway and sidewalk. She can't drive straight though and kept running into the lawn and cars in the driveway. As she hit them she would giggle and giggle. Funny girl. The good news is she can't get her drivers license for another 15 years and hopefully by then she will have learned how to go straight.

She has really started talking. She will talk into her play phone and walk around the house and talk. She will yammer to me acting like I can understand everything she is saying. She is a joy to have around and keeps life interesting.

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