Friday, June 25, 2010

Parade of Homes

This year I took Anna and we went to the Parade of Homes with my Mom, two sister-in-laws, 1 nephew and 1 niece. It was a lot of fun and we saw some cool homes that covered all spectrums! The kids held up incredibly well and luckily we went on weekdays so there weren't as many people and they could run more. That was some of the fun - keeping the kids where they were supposed to be.

One time Anna and her cousin Peter decided to look in the neighbors mail slot - luckily the townhome hadn't sold.

And sometimes they just got tired of walking.

After all the time spent in the car over two days - the girls still wanted to play in it when we got home.

It is fun for Anna to have her cousin Jerika so close now.

1 comment:

D'Neill said...

It's fun to see your blog!! Your little Anna is so cute!!